How to Make Wine Cork Ornaments

Written by Madeline Puckette

Wine Cork Ornaments

As long as you’re equipped with a pair of round nose pliers, you still have time to stud your tree with wine cork ornaments. Here is a short guide to inspire your crafting genius that uses very affordable supplies.
–Save your money for wine.
How to Make Wine Cork Ornaments

What you Need to Make Wine Cork Ornaments

There are a couple of tools you may need to acquire. For the rest, this is the perfect opportunity to pull out your craft box and dig through leftovers.

Cork Ornaments
Time: 3 Hours
Difficulty: Easy
Wine Drunk: 1 Bottle

Necessary Tools

  • Round nose pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Ornament hangers
  • Hammer & nails to punch through corks
  • About 20 Corks


How To Make Wine Cork Ornaments

Start by putting straight holes in corks and then wire the ornament hanger in. The round nose pliers come in very handy for making eyelets to attach different parts together. Since corks are small, plan on pumping out at least 10 designs to decorate your tree.

Wine Cork Crafting with a Hammer and Nails Wine cork with a wire through it How to Make Wine Cork Ornaments

How to make vertical holes through corks? Use small-headed finishing nails and stack them on top of each other if they are shorter than the length of the cork.
To make cork ornaments for this article I went to the dollar store for last minute supplies. Fortunately being a tardy holiday decorater has its benefits as everything was 50% off.

Ornament Inspiration

Unique Wine Cork Ornament
The “hellraiser” cork. Design time: 1 hour. Difficulty: Drunken satisfaction.

8 Cork Wine Cork Ornament
‘The Ring’
String a minimum of 8 corks together with wire. It’s harder to make than it looks. Or maybe it was because I was 2 glasses in.
Design time: 20 minutes
Difficulty Level: Still doable after 2 glasses of wine. Patience is an issue.

Champagne Cork Ornaments
Champagne Cork Ornaments aka ‘Bubble Balls’
Create a vertical hole by stacking two nails through the cork. Make sure you do the hammer and nail part before you drink too much wine.
Design time: 5 minutes
Difficulty Level: No problem after a bottle of wine.

Simple Wine Cork Ornaments
The ‘Mr. T’
String any number of cork and bead units together. The ‘Mr. T’ can substitute as a cat toy.
Design time: 5 minutes
Difficulty Level: Easy peesy. Where is the whisky?

champagne cork cage chair ornaments
The ‘Mouse Chair’
Carefully unwire the lower wire on a Champagne cork cage. Straighten the wire before you bend it into a chair back. When attaching it to the legs, bend the legs in so the cap doesn’t keep popping off.
Design time: 30 minutes
Difficulty Level: Maddening.

wool felted Champagne Cork Ornaments
Work by Woolly Fabulous

Written byMadeline Puckette

James Beard Award-winning author and Wine Communicator of the Year. I co-founded Wine Folly to help people learn about wine. @WineFolly

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