Quiz: What Type of Wine Drinker are You?

Written by Madeline Puckette

Ever wonder how you stand up to other wine drinkers? In this day and age it’s difficult to know everything about wine (because it’s such an enormous topic), so people choose to focus around the parts they love the most. You could be the best at buying value grocery store wine or be very skilled at understanding what wines cellar the longest. Take the simple 6 question quiz below to find out where you stand!

Quiz: What type of Wine Drinker are You?

types of wine drinkers quiz

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Types of Wine Drinkers

  1. Wine is a Grocery

    Wine is part of your life in the same way as toilet paper, coffee or bread. You love it, but mostly for its effects. Some say you’re lazy, but you could care less.

    What to watch out for:

    Yellow stickers. Just because a wine looks like it’s discounted doesn’t mean you’re getting a great tasting wine. A wine like this may have actually declined in flavor (e.g. a 5 yr old Prosecco) or was initially marked up in order to fool you. Yep — This kind of thing happens all the time.

  2. Wine Geek

    You are a wine min-maxer: minimum expense, maximum experience. You seek out hot value regions and learn new things in order to have a great time.

    What to watch out for:

    Bad information. There is a lot of faulty information online and off that can mislead your choices.

  3. Wine Snob

    You spare no expense with your wine habit and your obsession makes you look like a snob. To be fair, you’ve worked very hard to get where you are.

    What to watch out for:

    Ratings and reviews that appeal to your high-brow tastes, not all that glitters is gold… some is just hype.

  4. Wine is Art

    You love how wine bottles look and the colors of wine… maybe even more than the actual wine.

    What to watch out for:

    Beautiful labels and bottles catch your eye; make sure it’s something you want to drink before buying it.

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Written byMadeline Puckette

James Beard Award-winning author and Wine Communicator of the Year. I co-founded Wine Folly to help people learn about wine. @WineFolly

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