8 Signs That You Might Be a Wine Geek

Written by Madeline Puckette

Want to know if you’ve reached wine geek-dom?

You might be a wine geek if you're certain compulsive swirling syndrome is a real disease

Being wine smart is awesome, but it has its drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks include strange incessant wine habits. If you’ve caught yourself doing any of the following, you might be a wine geek.

You Might be a Wine Geek if

You worry about wine left in the car with the windows rolled up.
Wine will cook when left in cars comic
How do rising temperatures in your car affect precious wine cargo? Find out more about how temperature affects your wine in Wine Heat Damage.

You’re sad you weren’t born on a good vintage year.
You were born on a bad vintage year
Sadly, not all vintages are great. You’ll have to prove you’re worthy in other ways besides being born with it. Find out how vintage variation affects wine in What you Need to Know About Vintage Variation

You’re convinced Compulsive Swirling Syndrome is a real disease.
wine swirl comic syndrome
If you are inclined to swirl your wine, you might as well learn how to swirl like a pro.

You’ve tuned the humidity of your basement

temperature and basement humidity for wine storage
Planning on cellaring wine for some time? You might enjoy reading 10 Tips to Starting a Wine Collection. WARNING: it might not be as lucrative as you think.

You keep a stock of wine for ‘enthusiasts’ or ‘normals’
wine for normals comic

Plus a few more signs you might be a wine geek..

A proper wine tasting involves eating dirt in the vineyard.

You can recite 5 Bordeaux 1st Growths but not your phone number.

Champagne is exempt from the ‘No drinks before 5pm’ rule

Have one to add?
Add your best “You might be a wine geek if..” in the comments and we’ll illustrate it 🙂

Written byMadeline Puckette

James Beard Award-winning author and Wine Communicator of the Year. I co-founded Wine Folly to help people learn about wine. @WineFolly

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