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The Older the Better?

Written by Christine Marsiglio MW
Pictured: 100 year old vines in Wine Folly’s Napa Valley 101 Course.

What’s the deal with old vines?

Santorini, Swartland, Lodi, Barossa… these are just a few special places on earth that have really old vines. But what is it about old vine wines that’s so special? Let’s explore some of reasons why wine made from old vines is often revered.

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Wine Quiz

What best describes Pinotage, South Africa’s signature red grape variety?

  1. A light bodied red wine with low tannin and cherry flavor.
  2. A cross between Pinot Noir and Syrah.
  3. Smoky and earthy with high tannins.
  4. A grape mostly used to make sweet wines from dried grapes.

Scroll down to find out!

Pictured: Page 152 of The Master Guide.

Pinotage – Misunderstood Maverick

South Africa’s own hearty red was created in 1925 and is a cross between Cinsault and Pinot Noir. It’s been given a bad reputation by some, but when it’s done right, it is one of the top-class grapes out there.

Explore Pinotage

Swartland Syrah

Syrah is making big waves in South Africa, and if you want to know more about where to find these delicious wines from one of the most beautiful winemaking countries on earth, check out the video. Spoiler alert – it’s Swartland!

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Pictured: Wine Folly’s Wine Map of South Africa

South Africa: A Must See

Learn more about the world’s most beautiful wine producing country. South Africa is where old and new world winemaking come together, but also where you’ll find lots of new and interesting styles of wine that are not found on other continents.

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Wine Quiz Answer

Answer – #3: Smoky and earthy with high tannins

Pinotage, a grape variety that was created in South Africa in 1925, is a cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsault. It is known for producing wines that are robust and high in tannins, often featuring earthy and smoky characteristics.

Written byChristine Marsiglio MW

Christine Marsiglio is Head Wine Educator and Resident Master of Wine for Folly Enterprises and Wine Folly. Christine is a certified Wine & Spirits Education Trust wine educator, a winner of the Bollinger Medal, and holds an MSc in Oenology and Viticulture from École Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers, France.

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