15 Frustrating Things About Being a Wine Lover

Written by Madeline Puckette

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Is this you?

You’re a wine lover (or even fancy yourself a wine snob) and your friends constantly poke fun at you. Perhaps they laugh when they see your travel case of hand blown Sommelier Series wine glasses. Or scoff at you when you send back a bottle of red wine because it’s too warm. Well this poking-fun goes both ways my friend. It’s time to reveal everything that drives us wine lovers nuts.

Here are 15 frustrating things about being a wine enthusiast:

1. Someone drinks your special wine when you’re not around.

Bill Murray in Scrooged. source

2. You can’t bring yourself to drink ‘art-opening’ wine ever again.

Understand wine by price in How Buying Wine Compares To Buying Cars

Tracy Jordan. source

3. Finding a wine you love and then finding out it’s sold out.

Learn tactics for buying wine in 4 wine buying tips everyone should know

Bill Hader in Saturday Night Live. source

4. Never having enough space for food in your fridge.


5. Showing off your wine collection makes you feel like a schmuck.

Is your wine worth cellaring?

Christian Bale in American Psycho. source

6. Storing a bottle for years and finding out it’s gone horribly bad.

What wines last the longest? Find out in 4 traits of wines that age well

Ben Stiller “blue steel” calendar. source

7. Opening an old wine only to discover that you used to have horrible taste.

As you get into wine, your tastes change. Discover how most people’s tastes change as they become a wine expert

Nathan Fillion in Firefly. source

8. Having an amazing wine and no one to share it with you.

Best way to solve this problem is to host more wine dinners. Here are 13 wine dinner party ideas


9. Seeing your friends store perfectly good wine on top of the fridge.

Find out how temperature, light and oxygen destroys wine


10. You just don’t know how to react when people accuse you of being a wine snob.

What type of wine drinker are you? Check out these 10 types of wine drinkers

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson source

11. Being depressed when your friends prefer their $12 Malbec to the bottle of premier-cru Burgundy you bought them.

Want to laugh about it? Watch this brutally honest review of chocolate wine


12. When your friend recommends that you try “Cupcake Wines” and you’re like:


13. Your coworkers look down at you when you drink a glass of wine at lunch.

How about some ammo in your defense. Here’s a great article about wine and your health


14. You just don’t understand how people can get away with drinking crappy wine.


15. No matter how you imagine it,


too much wine is a bad thing.


We recommend you get a t-shirt

Sport your love for all things wine with this awesome tri-blend super soft t-shirt. We use discharge printing so the only sensation you’ll feel is the warming effect of the wine on your tongue.

Wine Glasses T-Shirt

Written byMadeline Puckette

James Beard Award-winning author and Wine Communicator of the Year. I co-founded Wine Folly to help people learn about wine. @WineFolly